To my wonderful sisters,
As for my guitar's going. Hehe I can play "How great is our God" using 4 chords! Hah-hahhaaha. I'll keep improving on it until I come back. Promise!
I feel very much loved on my birthday. That was all I had wished for. Thank you! And also thank you for your prayers. My grandfather is doing well (though he's got a slight lung problem now) but the doctors say this occurs often after people over the age of 70 undergo surgery. Thank you thank you thank you. I need to post up pictures. I'll post up pictures from my tiny birthday party on Sunday. Hahhaa I invited two people to my birthday party hehe. It was the smallest, most wonderful birthday party I ever had. And o.m.g has anyone ever played CLUE before? It's so fun! I'm bringing it with me to Berkeley so we can play together!