I really wanted to wake up early to get a digital camera from circuit city...but haha I couldn't wake up =p so I got up at 10:30 a.m instead and went with Tracy, her friend Olivia, and her little brother Justin to the mall. I bought a "guitar lessons" book + dvd! I can't wait to read it and watch the dvd. It was on sale at Borders! Yay for Black Friday!
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I forgot to post :( but Tracy's family had a huge party and I met this girl there name Jing. She goes to UCSD and she's part of this church called Kairos Fellowship Church. We talked a lot about Christianity, fellowship, and evangelism. It was really nice to have someone to talk to at the party. All the other kids were busy playing wii and xbox 360 in the other room (though I'm guilty of playing a little Halo and super smash as well hehehe). At one point we even shared a life/death struggle together....okay....lol it wasn't that extreme at all, but I was trying to open the window of the room I was staying at and the screen fell off so I kind of dived after it, and then I realized I couldn't get back into the room because I did jump like 7 feet down. So Jing and I ensued in a "tug-a-war" session between gravity and her, me being the rope. At this point, I realized I really needed some WEIGHT training because man, I could not pull myself up! No wonder I suck at arm wrestling.
Haha anyway, thanksgiving break has been good to me. I'm almost too comfortable here. I have so much free time- I spend it just drawing away on the computer, using Tracy's really nice Wacom intuos 3 tablet. I'm currently finishing up 3 projects (all going at the same time...which is bad because I have a minor case of ADHD so it's hard for me to start something and finish it). Oh well I still want to try. I'll post it on this blog or deviantart soon.
I'm going back to Berkeley tomorrow around 10: 30 a.m. It'll take me 2 hours to get back so I'll be there by 1:00 p.m. I hope everything is going well with everyone. Sofia and Carolynnnn- I hope you guys were productive at home. I know I wasn'tttt :p (academic wise). I can't wait to see you guys. I missed a2f + gracepoint so much. I do have a lot of stuff to share with my sisters.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Results from The Search
Yay! I finally got some pictures from "The Search" event...though it's not much.
Nick Pitera and I. Really wish I had more chance to talk to him about animation + Pixar and such. Oh well :( Maybe someday...in the future.
Yay! Going to San Jose in about 15 hours. W00t! Can't wait to meet my mom's good friend and her daughter, Tracy (Check out her deviantart porfolio)
*Warning: there are some promiscuous drawings :/ but it's not that bad.
I hope everyone will have a wonderful, awesome, fantastic, superrrrrr THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY!
I love you God! You're my hero, my savior, my all =) I'm eternally grateful.
P.S I'll update again on Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
New Art
Just finished a new piece of artwork; took 6.5 hours but they were a fun 6.5 hours (I don't think I could study this long 0_0) haha
I call it "Wonder!" ...like "Wonderbreaddd!!!"...okay fine maybe "wonderchild"?...well it's gotta have wonder in it because I like that word :p
*Got to experiment with fingers and feet (man I never knew drawing hands and feet could be so annoying and hard), lighting, shadow, and kids (because I never draw little children).

I call it "Wonder!" ...like "Wonderbreaddd!!!"...okay fine maybe "wonderchild"?...well it's gotta have wonder in it because I like that word :p
*Got to experiment with fingers and feet (man I never knew drawing hands and feet could be so annoying and hard), lighting, shadow, and kids (because I never draw little children).

Love, Lily (It's going to be put on my deviantart account)
Love, Lily (It's going to be put on my deviantart account)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Why is "hard work" so hard?!
These days I can't concentrate on my studies. Actually I haven't been able to concentrate ever since the semester started. I'm getting my mid-terms back, and although they're not horrible...I used to do better. I've always had this problem with the idea of working "too" hard at something. Back in High School, I calculated my degree of "hard work" so well that I never spent more time than was necessary to achieve a good grade; which really meant if straight A's can be consisted of a bunch of 89.9% then that's exactly what I'm getting. Sure my GPA may have been higher than a 3.8 + throughout high school, but if they were represented by percents, more than 80% of the A's were 89.9%'s. I just never worked hard at anything (well...except for AP Chemistry...which I tried to get a 100%...but then I got distracted by this anime that just came out during that time...). Funny thing is...it was hard work making sure I didn't work too hard at something...>.< kinda sad eh?
I wish I knew how to work hard! That was such a stupid sentence. I feel guilty every time I take a break in my studies to do something totally wasteful and totally meaningless like surf the internet or watch a movie or drool at people's artwork on deviantart when I could instead call up a friend and SPREAD the gospel!!.......no. See?! Aish I'm a lost case.
I once knew a friend who practiced 8 hours on the piano EVERY DAY! (for 2 months!) 0_0 in order to win this competition. This means monotonous repetition of the same song over and over and over and over and over and over...need I say more? How do people do that?! How does one have the willpower to do that...the stamina...the tenacity....the abandoning of all pleasure and other activities to live and breathe PIANO?!
Life offers too many distractions. It's hard to focus. I can't read Statistics without thinking of this cartoon that I want to watch or this painting I want to paint or this career I want to pursue or Gracepoint's upcoming events or getting a private tour at Dreamworks Studio!! or this food I really really want to eat or this blazer I'm dying to buy (I hope they have it in my size) or randomly thinking of Psalm 23 or the Genesis and how scary God can be in the old testament....and...and ....and ARGHH! Oh kill me.
Will someone please teach me how to focus? No. I need to learn that on my own. -Cries- That's the hard part...and I hate the word "hard"! Oh Brett...and Alex Harris...how do you guys "do hard things"? ....
I wish I knew how to work hard! That was such a stupid sentence. I feel guilty every time I take a break in my studies to do something totally wasteful and totally meaningless like surf the internet or watch a movie or drool at people's artwork on deviantart when I could instead call up a friend and SPREAD the gospel!!.......no. See?! Aish I'm a lost case.
I once knew a friend who practiced 8 hours on the piano EVERY DAY! (for 2 months!) 0_0 in order to win this competition. This means monotonous repetition of the same song over and over and over and over and over and over...need I say more? How do people do that?! How does one have the willpower to do that...the stamina...the tenacity....the abandoning of all pleasure and other activities to live and breathe PIANO?!
Life offers too many distractions. It's hard to focus. I can't read Statistics without thinking of this cartoon that I want to watch or this painting I want to paint or this career I want to pursue or Gracepoint's upcoming events or getting a private tour at Dreamworks Studio!! or this food I really really want to eat or this blazer I'm dying to buy (I hope they have it in my size) or randomly thinking of Psalm 23 or the Genesis and how scary God can be in the old testament....and...and ....and ARGHH! Oh kill me.
Will someone please teach me how to focus? No. I need to learn that on my own. -Cries- That's the hard part...and I hate the word "hard"! Oh Brett...and Alex Harris...how do you guys "do hard things"? ....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Love Language
I finally got around to taking the 5 love languages quiz! Yay! Here are my results:
*I completely agree with my love languages. Though I feel "receiving gifts" could be a little higher hehe :p
Score | Love Language | ||
9 | Words of Affirmation | ||
8 | Quality Time | ||
3 | Receiving of Gifts | ||
2 | Acts of Service | ||
8 | Physical Touch | ||
How to interpret your Profile Score:
Your highest score indicates your primary love language. Your second highest score indicates your secondary love
language. If two scores are identical, you are bilingual (you have two primary love languages). If the scores of your
primary and your secondary language are close (for example, 10 & 9 respectfully), it indicates both are important to
you. Whatever a significant other does to express love in either of these languages will get emotional points with you.
The highest possible score for any language is 12.
Your highest score indicates your primary love language. Your second highest score indicates your secondary love
language. If two scores are identical, you are bilingual (you have two primary love languages). If the scores of your
primary and your secondary language are close (for example, 10 & 9 respectfully), it indicates both are important to
you. Whatever a significant other does to express love in either of these languages will get emotional points with you.
The highest possible score for any language is 12.
*I completely agree with my love languages. Though I feel "receiving gifts" could be a little higher hehe :p
God Did
"God Did" by Shane & Shane
Growin’ up I overheard
All the grown ups sayin’
You better be prayin’
And sayin’
All the right little things
At the right little times
And I had it down
At least on the outside
I’d put my best side forward
I could smile with the best
And dress like the rest
Of the messed up church folk singin’ a song
Are you sitting down
With all your sin and shame all stored up
Are you ready to live
For what the law could not do
God did
Could it be that morality
Got the best of you and me
Got us thinking
That we’re on the brink
Of a drink of the cup that’s all filled up
With the cross havin’ even a little to do with us
It was His day
It was His way
To the glory of His grace
Took our disease
Enough to please
The Father of lights
To bruise Jesus
Maybe do’s and don’ts
Were made to show
How much we do
And don’t ever make it
“Lord, help us to understand the depth of Your ever sovereign sacrifice in Jesus. That what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh…” (Rom 8:3)
All the grown ups sayin’
You better be prayin’
And sayin’
All the right little things
At the right little times
And I had it down
At least on the outside
I’d put my best side forward
I could smile with the best
And dress like the rest
Of the messed up church folk singin’ a song
Are you sitting down
With all your sin and shame all stored up
Are you ready to live
For what the law could not do
God did
Could it be that morality
Got the best of you and me
Got us thinking
That we’re on the brink
Of a drink of the cup that’s all filled up
With the cross havin’ even a little to do with us
It was His day
It was His way
To the glory of His grace
Took our disease
Enough to please
The Father of lights
To bruise Jesus
Maybe do’s and don’ts
Were made to show
How much we do
And don’t ever make it
“Lord, help us to understand the depth of Your ever sovereign sacrifice in Jesus. That what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh…” (Rom 8:3)
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Search-Nick Pitera
Hey guys,
I just wanted to let you know that my organization (UMA) is hosting an event called "The Search" on November 13th, at the Julia Morgan Theatre- 7:30 p.m! I'll be working on the tech crew (doing sound and music). If you would like to come, just talk to me =)
Nick Pitera will be at the performance, here's his video advertising the show:
If you can come, that would be awesome! I can assure you guys that there won't be any strange, provocative, abrasive, etc. things going on at the show. Ego is coming to perform (Traditional Korean Drumming Group), Movement jazz, Jellotech (hip-hop group), Noteworthy, and more!
There's this girl name Lisa Qin who is coming as well (she's got several videos on youtube). She plays the guitar really well and she sings like a superstar. (She sings in Japanese)
And then this guy name Johnny Shin who's singing this piece by Rain called "I Do." Hehe that'll be fun to listen to.
And then of course...Nick Pitera. Let's see if he can really sing like a girl...
Much love,
I just wanted to let you know that my organization (UMA) is hosting an event called "The Search" on November 13th, at the Julia Morgan Theatre- 7:30 p.m! I'll be working on the tech crew (doing sound and music). If you would like to come, just talk to me =)
Nick Pitera will be at the performance, here's his video advertising the show:
If you can come, that would be awesome! I can assure you guys that there won't be any strange, provocative, abrasive, etc. things going on at the show. Ego is coming to perform (Traditional Korean Drumming Group), Movement jazz, Jellotech (hip-hop group), Noteworthy, and more!
There's this girl name Lisa Qin who is coming as well (she's got several videos on youtube). She plays the guitar really well and she sings like a superstar. (She sings in Japanese)
And then this guy name Johnny Shin who's singing this piece by Rain called "I Do." Hehe that'll be fun to listen to.
And then of course...Nick Pitera. Let's see if he can really sing like a girl...
Much love,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Ahh! Can't wait for GONE tomorrow- hopefully the presidents from UMA will approve me not going to the speaker panel tomorrow (which is at the same time). I'm a little sad I won't be able to meet the representatives from Google, Gallup Polls, Burson Marsteller, and Johnson & Johnson but so what? I've got bigger fish to catch :p lol...that doesn't make a lot of sense >.<
Oooo by the way, if you're interested, check out: http://thesearchatcal.com (my design is on there :p).
It's an event sponsored by my club Undergraduate Marketing Association. Guest performer: Nick Pitera (the guy who...sings like a girl- remember "A Whole New World"?) is coming to perform. If you're interested, I might be able to give you a discount price on the ticket hehe.
Oooo by the way, if you're interested, check out: http://thesearchatcal.com (my design is on there :p).
It's an event sponsored by my club Undergraduate Marketing Association. Guest performer: Nick Pitera (the guy who...sings like a girl- remember "A Whole New World"?) is coming to perform. If you're interested, I might be able to give you a discount price on the ticket hehe.
Need sleep zzZzz
I really really need sleep zZZzz...I'm sad I missed prayer meeting :(
DT today with Stephanie and Christina was awesome. I'm beginning to really look forward to DT sessions with them. I also learned a new trick to making a book cover hehehe- I can't wait to try it; I'm going to cover my bible with a FANCY paper bag so that it'll never get dirty or dusty again! (I learned this trick today during DT while I was analyzing this bible I borrowed from someone at the Y :p) Man people are so creative!
All right...mid-term coming up soon so I really need to sleep zZzz. I'm also sad that I've been missing my Stat, math, and archery lectures again :( I don't get you math, engineering, science majors...math and stat just bores me to death. I can't even get past an equation without knocking out. And if I see the pi symbol, or the sigma, or the nu, or eveennn the carrot symbol (is that what it's called? That thingamagiggy you put after a number to indicate exponentiality)...my vision starts to blur and I go half blind. I swear!
Much love,
DT today with Stephanie and Christina was awesome. I'm beginning to really look forward to DT sessions with them. I also learned a new trick to making a book cover hehehe- I can't wait to try it; I'm going to cover my bible with a FANCY paper bag so that it'll never get dirty or dusty again! (I learned this trick today during DT while I was analyzing this bible I borrowed from someone at the Y :p) Man people are so creative!
All right...mid-term coming up soon so I really need to sleep zZzz. I'm also sad that I've been missing my Stat, math, and archery lectures again :( I don't get you math, engineering, science majors...math and stat just bores me to death. I can't even get past an equation without knocking out. And if I see the pi symbol, or the sigma, or the nu, or eveennn the carrot symbol (is that what it's called? That thingamagiggy you put after a number to indicate exponentiality)...my vision starts to blur and I go half blind. I swear!
Much love,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Search

Yay! I just finished a design for my club's (Undergraduate Marketing Association)'s huge event coming up on November 13th!
Disclaimer: The image was not taken by my me. It was taken by an awesome photographer http://www.flickr.com/photos/
(I just photoshoped it)
P.S. Today during one of our UMA officer meetings...the vice president got on his knees, with this HUGE bouquet of flowers in his hands, to our co-president (they're dating)...and proposed! (All right not exactly but he presented her with a "promise ring") OH MY GOD. It was just too much- one of the officers and I almost burst out crying.
P.S. Today during one of our UMA officer meetings...the vice president got on his knees, with this HUGE bouquet of flowers in his hands, to our co-president (they're dating)...and proposed! (All right not exactly but he presented her with a "promise ring") OH MY GOD. It was just too much- one of the officers and I almost burst out crying.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sisters in the rain...

I remember saying to Jenny as we were walking towards the corner of Hillegass/Dwight- as we gazed at the other sisters ahead of us, in little pairs, under their umbrellas- "Jenny, that is a painting right there. Them and their umbrellas, and the architecture, and the glow from the lights. I wish I could paint that." Aish...I didn't know I was serious >.<
Title: Sisters in the Rain.
Status: unfinished
People: Front (from left to right): Carolyn, Sofia
Back (from left to right): Catarina, Stephanie
Time it took: 3.5 hours
Status: unfinished
People: Front (from left to right): Carolyn, Sofia
Back (from left to right): Catarina, Stephanie
Time it took: 3.5 hours
P.S If you want to see other artwork, visit my digital art portfolio
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