Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Ahh! Can't wait for GONE tomorrow- hopefully the presidents from UMA will approve me not going to the speaker panel tomorrow (which is at the same time). I'm a little sad I won't be able to meet the representatives from Google, Gallup Polls, Burson Marsteller, and Johnson & Johnson but so what? I've got bigger fish to catch :p lol...that doesn't make a lot of sense >.<

Oooo by the way, if you're interested, check out: (my design is on there :p).

It's an event sponsored by my club Undergraduate Marketing Association. Guest performer: Nick Pitera (the guy who...sings like a girl- remember "A Whole New World"?) is coming to perform. If you're interested, I might be able to give you a discount price on the ticket hehe.
