I think I'm done with this painting for now...I have another project to focus on called "Falling Angel" so I'm going to give this a status of "Finished." I wanted to decorate her with traditional Chinese clothing + fan + other stuff but I don't think I have time right now so the dragon will suffice. Enjoy!
Additional Hours took: 5 hrs.
Tools: Photoshop + Tablet
Reference: None.
Status: Finished
P.S Took me forever to get that wet, saturated look on the painting >.< Never knew the smudge tool + smudge (saturation) would come in so much handy

Tools: Photoshop + Tablet
Reference: None.
Status: Finished
P.S Took me forever to get that wet, saturated look on the painting >.< Never knew the smudge tool + smudge (saturation) would come in so much handy
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