Sunday, August 10, 2008

Comic Relief- Cooking Pow! Jenny Zhao

I cannot leave this unsaid...or unwritten. So I spent an afternoon in Cata's place doing my essay, or attempting to do my essay. Who would of thought my anticipated deary afternoon would turn into such an interesting one.

After two hours of developing thesis, you know? Being Sherlock Holmes; spotting evidence; looking underneath the underneath...reading between the lines (Sometimes I wonder whether I should just quit pursuing Rhetoric and start chasing criminals- I think I'd do an excellent job as a private eye), I decided to take a break. And lo and behold, Betty bounces into the living room and asks me how I get my face to be so clear (No Pimples! 0_0 Ah that's a lie). -Blink- Here, I'm going to omit the rest of the conversation to save both of us the embarrassment of having our girly tête-à-tête publicized to the world. But I'll admit it ended with me writing her two shopping list recommendations on a small yellow notepad. Fin.

Monotony hour passes...

Jenny comes into the kitchen and begins to- I think- cook. "Lily, want some soup?" She asks. "Of course!" I reply (I'm a pig. Period.) and then I go back to reading Walter Pater's Conclusion, feeling decidely more happy than thirty seconds before, until I hear "OH SHOOT!"
And a few minutes of silence pass, except for the rustle of frozen food packaging, and then "OOPS!" At this point, I cannot concentrate any longer. I place my reader down on the cushion beside me, fold my legs into a meditative position, close my eyes, and then waited in anticipation. I was not disappointed. Another "OH NO!" burst through the kitchen...and SPOOF! (I think that was the sound of boiling water erupting from the pot). There. I have documented Jenny cooking and immortalized it on this blog =) Yay. Still I'll confess the soup was fantastic- just the right POOF! to get my taste buds going.

Well that was fun. All right, so I was practicing a little Rhetoric while I wrote this blog. If you're smart, you might be able to identify about 50 tropes in the paragraphs above.



Jenny said...

HAHAHAHAHA oman your imitation in person was the best though.

i am glad this is documented. :D

sofa said...

hahah xD i can soooo imagine jenny's "ooooshooot!!" "oooonoooo" "oooopsss"" hahahhah

ehh what's a trope?

DanSo said...

are you serious about the 50 tropes? hmm... maybe i should try looking them up....

Jenny said...

Cooking pow! Jenny Zhao ???
HAHAHAHA omyyygosh what a title! lol thank you for my comic relief of the day Lily.. i'm really needing it in all this stress... ahhh

d.p said...

Wow, I can totally imagine Jenny doing that. I wonder if I cook better than she HAHAHA.

Nice title HAHAHA.

And tropes sound found! I find that stuff interesting, but I don't think I'd ever take a class on it :[

JoshChang said...

that was just too funny, i can totally see you studying in one end of the room and jenny cooking and all the comical stuff going on while at it XD
nice one nice one