Saturday, August 2, 2008

Life is a rollercoaster...

Happiness flies by but sadness crawls. The same cycle happens with roller coasters. The ride up feels like forever before the drop. Okay so it's just about 20-30 seconds going up, but really it feels longer; it drags by as if days have passed and then at the epitome, the peak, the "up," WHOOSH! The cart drops and speeds down at an average of 50-100 mph (depending on the roller coaster you ride)...but really it feels like 234987324 mph. It's over in less than a millisecond.

Cherish happiness.


P.S. Happy Birthday Daniel! I'm sorry I couldn't make it to tonight's dinner party at Crossroads. I'll make it up to you x10 =)


sofa said...

roller coasters... well life isn't that meaningful if we don't experience both ends right? how would i know that i'm super hyper fast on the roller coaster if i happen to never walked on the ground? hahaha
did that even make sense? yah i think you get me... if not ask me about it later =w=''' (and can't text me 'cause i dont get teeeeext x] meaning, we pardon you for all the cups you left in the apt XD haha i was pretty sure you wouldn't just leave stuff around like that x])

d.p said...

I ditto what Sofia says about having to experience both ends. We can also cherish the fact that we know happiness will always be around the corner (and even if we're sad, a lot of times it's constructive)

But yeah, this is kind of like the reason why time flies by so quickly when you're having fun and time goes slowly when you're bored. Scientists said that when you're having fun (aka happy), your brain creates a lot of memories so when you look back in let's say 1 hour, you have X memories to look back on and say wow I did X in 1 hour, that's so much! But when you're sad or bored, your brain tends to block out and repress memories so when you look back in an hour, it seems like you only have a fraction of X and it seems like wow it took that long to do those little things (causing the illusion in our heads of time being slower). But yeahhhh this was a really nerdy comment!

Lily said...

Haha D.P that nerdy comment of yours actually cleared up my confusion with why happiness always feels like it just zooms by while sadness seems like it takes forever to go away.