Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sisters in the rain...

Oh my goodness, I couldn't start studying until I finished this piece which got imprinted in my mind and wouldn't go away!
I remember saying to Jenny as we were walking towards the corner of Hillegass/Dwight- as we gazed at the other sisters ahead of us, in little pairs, under their umbrellas- "Jenny, that is a painting right there. Them and their umbrellas, and the architecture, and the glow from the lights. I wish I could paint that." Aish...I didn't know I was serious >.<

Title: Sisters in the Rain.
Status: unfinished
People: Front (from left to right): Carolyn, Sofia
Back (from left to right): Catarina, Stephanie
Time it took: 3.5 hours


P.S If you want to see other artwork, visit my digital art portfolio


d.p said...

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's so coooool :] I wanna see when it's completely finished too :]

And I didn't really get rid of my other blogs. I just switched ownership of my ddwai blog to a new email address, which is why you don't see it under my blogs list. But they still "exist" out there HAHA but then I'm not using them at all so they're basically as good as gone.

sofa said...

o my! i shrunk as tall as carolyn and our street lamps became fancy!!! hahah jkjkjk :] it's rly cute x]]]] can't wait you finish it!!
make sure you finish studying for your mts tho.. please -w- hahah :]

Jenny said...

wow! that is AMAZING. and i can really say that because i saw the exact same thing as you saw. WOW!!! great job!