Speaker: Joshua Harris
Focus Text: Colossians 1:15-20
Paul is writing to the Colossians because the Colossians have started to exalt human philosophies and have started to bring Jesus down. But remem ber:
"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."
Is Jesus talking to Godless people? NO. He is talking to believers, people who go to church, people who call Jesus "Lord."
"It is not enough to give 'lip' service. Is your life in Jesus grounded? When obstacles and hardship come your way, will [your house] stay firm or will it be KNOCKED down?" - Joshua Harris
Points to remember:
1. Come to Jesus. Go to Jesus.
We often come to Jesus on our way to something else. We see Him as a means to something else such as healing, material stuff, peace, car, new home, wealth, liberation from a tyrannical government, etc. But this is the wrong foundation!
"Paul tells Timothy 'remember Jesus Christ!' Does Timothy need to be remembered of Jesus? He's a pastor!....YES he does. We all do. We forget Jesus so easily...It's so easy to think we have come to Jesus Christ but it's so easy to replace the truth with your o wn ideas and philosophy; with your own desires. Do you want to build your life on a rock? Jesus Christ is our rock." - Joshua Harris
2. The person who's life is built on a rock HEARS Jesus' word.
Most of the time, yeah, we hear about 10% of what other people say. But this should not be the case when it comes to Jesus' words.
"You're in big trouble if the 10% case holds. There is eternal danger." - Joshua Harris. Do not ignore the wisdom of Jesus' word.
"Studying God's word requires WORK...a wise man digs." - Joshua Harris. What this means is that a person who's life is ROOTED in God's word is saved from et ernal destruction. Many times we give up reading difficult passages or we no longer find God's word refreshing, or we no longer feel that "emotional thrill or pang" when we read God's word. But as C.J Mahaney says:
"If you want to feel deeply, you need to think deeply."
Most of us want deep, emotional feelings for Jesus (we want this experiential relationship with God) but "feeling built on feeling, emotion built on emotion is EMPTY." - Joshua Harris. "Emotions need to be built on something solid. Something unchanging. And what's unchanging? Sound Doctrine!" The Truth = Jesus. The unchanging truth. (Not something that changes with the weather like that moment you had or some time you cried in the past)
3. We must put Jesus' truth into PRACTICE.
Jesus is talking to believers. "You can know all about Jesus. You could have grown up with Jesus' teaching in your ears. You could have been soaked in his word since you were little, but if you don't put it into practice, you house is built on SAND." - Joshua Harris
Please do not think you're a "rock" person just because yo u know all about the truth.
--Josh Harris shared his testimony--
And then "Jesus is preeminent. He pushes everything aside. You can't have two preeminent things in your life. You can't say "God, you are preeminent righ tttttt alongside my girlfriend heh-heh." - Joshua Harris
His ending words: "You can't truly love your mother, your father, your brother, your son, your daughter if you put them at the center. When you place Jesus at the center, you gain everything." There was a young man who visited Buddhist temples and read the Qur'an, but the closer he got to Pu Sha and Mohammed, the smaller they became to him. And then he turned to the scriptures, and he came to this sudden realization: "The closer I got to Jesus, the bigger Jesus became!.... "
The closer you get to Jesus, the bigger Jesus will get. You might disappoint Jesus many times throughout your life, but Jesus will never disappoint you.
Here is a video during praise with Bob Kauflin:
And pictures:

(The picture above shows the sold-out t-shirts before the Conference even started)

I will post up Day 2 and Day 3 tomorrow. *sigh* so tiredddd.. zzZZzzz
I love you Jesus.
Focus Text: Colossians 1:15-20
- Jesus is greater than all things (He holds all things together. The atoms, the molecules, the "stuff" holding together the walls of your house or the tree arching over your roof; Jesus holds it together. One word from Him, and all of it can collapse)
- Every breath we breathe is a gift from God
- Jesus is Preeminent! But are you living your life and shaping your life based on the reality that Jesus Christ is preeminent? "It is one thing to say Jesus is preeminent but another thing to LIVE as though Jesus is Lord...Do not say Jesus has ultimately authority over my life. LIVE IT." - Joshua Harris
"It is not enough to give 'lip' service. Is your life in Jesus grounded? When obstacles and hardship come your way, will [your house] stay firm or will it be KNOCKED down?" - Joshua Harris
1. Come to Jesus. Go to Jesus.
We often come to Jesus on our way to something else. We see Him as a means to something else such as healing, material stuff, peace, car, new home, wealth, liberation from a tyrannical government, etc. But this is the wrong foundation!
"Paul tells Timothy 'remember Jesus Christ!' Does Timothy need to be
Most of the time, yeah, we hear about 10% of what other people say. But this should not be the case when it comes to Jesus' words.
"If you want to feel deeply, you need to think
Most of us want deep, emotional feelings for Jesus (we want this experiential relationship with God) but "feeling built on feeling, emotion built on emotion is E
3. We must put Jesus' truth into PRACTICE.
Jesus is talking to believers. "You can know all about Jesus. You could have grown up with Jesus' teaching in your ears. You could have been soaked in his word since
--Josh Harris shared his testimony--
And then "Jesus is preeminent. He pushes everything aside. You can't have two preeminent things in your life. You can't say "God, you are preeminent righ
The closer you get to Jesus, the bigger Jesus will get. You might disappoint Jesus many times throughout your life, but Jesus will never disappoint you.
Here is a video during praise with Bob Kauflin:
(The picture above shows the sold-out t-shirts before the Conference even started)
I love you Jesus.
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