Kevin DeYoung! Amazing speaker, amazing author, and absolutely hilarious! Read his book "Just Do Something" - short read, tiny book, BRILLIANT content.

Moi! =) For this photograph, I admit I played around with it in photoshop for a bit, I didn't like the lighting or the "spots" on my forehead in the original so I fixed all of that har har har...Behind me is the Baltimore Convention Center

Happy People!

I really like this picture for some reason. It's kind of poignant. Next to the harbor, I see Deborah and Rachel's bibles stacked neatly on top of each other, and that Next button just tops it

While I was exploring Baltimore, I saw this HUGE Barnes and Nobles, Cool!

Saw this cool looking clock tower from behind these metal thingies that fenced around the Baltimore Convention Center, where the conference was held

Deborah and Rachel! (She is wearing one of those rare NEXT shirts)

Bob Kauflin!

Found a new friend! Her name is Deborah. She is Josh Harris' home-school teacher
*Will upload Videos next, keep on the lookout for updates!
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