Sunday, May 24, 2009

Conference: Day 2

First of all, I just want to tell you guys that I'm so blessed to have sisters like you. Your comments on my last post really really made me happy =)

Second of all, I'm being challenged and pulled left and right by the messages from the conference (and the sessions). Today Kevin DeYoung and D.A Carson came to speak to us (yesterday Joshua Harris spoke of Christ's Pre-Eminence) about Christ's Life and Incarnation. I learned things I never knew before, and it has made me realize how small I have made my God to be. How easy and manageable I have made Jesus out to be in my mind. Kevin DeYoung's message was like a siren in my ears (Do you really know Jesus? If you have never felt fear or ever felt discomforted by Jesus like the way the disciples felt when Jesus only spoke ONLY three words to a STORM "Quiet! Be Still! (Mark 4:35-41) and the storm OBEYED do not truly know him). Jesus commands nature, demons, sickness/disease, and death (Storm, "Legion," the bleeding woman, and Jairus's little girl). Through Jesus....all things were created. The fullness of God dwells in Him. Jesus is God and Lord over all. I don't think I have truly, deeply understood the gravity of this.

D.A Carson's message was also like a needle that penetrated my shrouded view of God. God does not need you and me. YOU need God. God did not create the earth and people so that they can whip out their guitars and sing praises to Him. God is so much from himself, he doesn't need anyone or anything. It was out of goodness that God created us. When John wrote God so loved the world...John wasn't talking about the dimensions of the world and relating it to how big God's love is. God's love is awesome not because the world was so big but because the world was so bad.

**This is just a very tiny synoposis of what I learned. I will post up notes and pictures and videos hopefully the day after tomorrow. The conference ends Tuesday and I've been there basically from 9:00 a.m till 11:30 p.m. (More than 14 hours of just worshipping and praising God. It's been wonderful).

As a side note, I got to shake Josh Harris's hand. I was so speechless to see him just kind of pop out of nowhere and say "Hi," that all I could do was just shake his hand back and just kind of like nod my head in acknowledgement. I was standing next to someone who was Josh Harris's kid's home-school teacher and he saw her and went up to say "Hi" and then saw me and was probably like "Hey, new kid" and just said "Hi" as well. Yeah, even now I'm still a little shocked, and I kind of wished I got to say a little bit more. Man, now I'm thinking what it'll be like to meet Jesus Christ face to face....I think I'll just drop dead or something...okay maybe not drop "dead" cuz I was saved and all but most likely fall to my knees with my head bowed to the floor and never get up.

Anyways, I'm excited about tomorrow. C. J Mahaney and Sinclair Ferguson will be talking during the sessions. Can you believe Convenant Life Church gets speakers like Jerry Bridges and John Piper to come speak on Sundays? I'm excited.


P.S Like I promised, I'm taking good notes for you guys! And cool videos too!


Jenny said...

ominah! i'm so jealous! (in a good way)

C.J. Mahaney, Josh Harris, Jerry Bridges, and John Piper?!?!?!?!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh *yelp*