Sunday, May 10, 2009

Loving the Unlovable

This bible verse really stuck out to me today:

Matthew 5:46 "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

I couldn't help but take a very critical look at myself. I came to this conclusion: I seem to love people only when they love me back. I love this verse so much because it motivates me to fight my natural tendency to distance myself from people I don't get along with or people I don't really like.

But like the verse stated: "What are you doing more than others?" When I'm loving certain sisters, my parents, and my leaders but distancing myself from people who seem "unlikeable" or people with strange personalities (kind of funny considering how strange I am), or coarse people with rough tongues, or selfish, whiny brats who only seem to care about themselves, or the awkward, or the people who love to point out other people's flaws or talk about others behind people's backs, or people who are always suspicious of other people's motives*, etc. how can I call myself "Christian" (Little Christ**) when I'm not doing anything more than what non-Christians do?

*All of these bad characteristics actually describe me. When others display these characteristics and therefore are like me (similar in flaws), I naturally want to put as far a distance as possible between them and me.

But this verse really opens my eyes and it encourages me to step outside my "zone" to reach out and to care for people who I normally don't like to associate myself with. The funny thing is the people who I normally don't like to associate myself with are the people I relate with the most because I am a sinner with many, many, many bad points. Honestly, I see a little bit of myself in everyone's flaws.

As I become more spiritually mature, I hope I never lose the awareness that I am a total, complete sinner but God loves me anyway. Because I have experienced this wonderful love that I do not deserve but God has shown me anyway, I want to show the same compassion to other sinners who don't know Christ or know Christ but is wavering in their faith.

I don't want to become like a Pharisee who says "I thank God I am not like this tax collector..." Or else I'll never be able to relate with other people! Oh how puffed up I would be! Instead, I pray I will have the tax collector's mindset: "Have mercy on me, for I am a sinner." I want to be someone who has ZERO illusion of his/her own merit, so I can truly experience God's wonderful grace, mercy, and unconditional love for me.


** C.S Lewis's description of Christians: "Every Christian is to become a little Christ. The whole purpose of becoming a Christian is simply nothing else." (Mere Christianity) - This touches on the last part of the verse "Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect." We got to imitate Christ :)


Jenny said...

awesome Lily!